
General installation and configuration guide for setting up the EpiDiverse analysis pipelines

To start using the EpiDiverse analysis pipelines, follow the steps below:

1) Install Nextflow

Nextflow runs on most POSIX systems (Linux, Mac OSX etc). It can be installed by running the following commands:

# Make sure that Java v8+ is installed:
java -version

# Install Nextflow v19.09+
curl -fsSL | bash

# Add Nextflow binary to your $PATH:
mv nextflow ~/bin
# OR system-wide installation:
# sudo mv nextflow /usr/local/bin

See for further instructions on how to install and configure Nextflow itself.

2) Install the pipeline

2.1) Automatic

The pipelines themselves need no installation - Nextflow will automatically fetch them from GitHub if eg. epidiverse/wgbs is specified as the pipeline name.

2.2) Offline

The above method requires an internet connection so that Nextflow can download the pipeline files. If you're running on a system that has no internet connection, you'll need to download and transfer the pipeline files manually using the following (pseudo)code:

# Download the latest release of the pipeline
# eg. (see
curl -L[PIPELINE]/archive/[VERSION].zip -o epidiverse-[PIPELINE]-[VERSION].zip
unzip epidiverse-[PIPELINE]-[VERSION].zip
cd /path/to/my/data
nextflow run /path/to/pipelines/epidiverse-[PIPELINE]-[VERSION] [PARAMETERS]

NB: Please replace [PIPELINE] and [VERSION] and [PARAMETERS] as necessary, depending on the latest release from e.g.

2.3) Development

If you would like to make changes to the pipeline, it's best to make a fork on GitHub and then clone the files. Once cloned you can run the pipeline directly as above.

3) Pipeline configuration

By default, the pipelines run with the -profile standard configuration profile. This uses a number of sensible defaults for process requirements and is suitable for running on a simple (if powerful!) basic server. You can see this configuration in conf/base.config from the base directory of each pipeline repository.

Be warned of two important points about the default configuration:

  1. The default profile uses the local executor

    • All jobs are run in the login session. If you're using a simple server, this may be fine. If you're using a compute cluster, this is bad as all jobs will run on the head node.

    • See the Nextflow docs for information about running with other hardware backends. Most job scheduler systems are natively supported.

  2. Nextflow will expect all software to be installed and available on the $PATH

3.1) Configuration profiles

Nextflow can be configured to run on a wide range of different computational infrastructures. In addition to pipeline-specific parameters it is likely that you will need to define system-specific options.

For more information, please see the Nextflow documentation.

Whilst most parameters can be specified on the command line, it is usually sensible to create a configuration file for your environment. A template for such a config can be found in assets/custom.config from the base directory of each pipeline repository.

If you are the only person to be running this pipeline, you can create your config file as ~/.nextflow/config and it will be applied every time you run Nextflow. Alternatively, save the file anywhere and reference it when running the pipeline with -config /path/to/config.

If you think that there are other people using the pipeline who would benefit from your configuration (eg. other common cluster setups), please let us know. We can add a new preset configuration profile which can used by specifying -profile <name> when running the pipeline.

The pipelines already come with several such config profiles - see the installation appendices and usage documentation for more information.

3.2) Software dependencies: bioconda

If you're unable to use either Docker or Singularity but you have conda installed, you can use the bioconda environment that comes with the pipeline. Using the predefined -profile conda configuration when running the pipeline will take care of this automatically.

If you prefer to build your own environment, running this command will create a new conda environment with all of the required software installed:

conda env create -f environment.yml     
conda clean -a                          # Recommended, not essential
conda activate wgbs                     # Name depends on version

The env/environment.yml file can be found from the base directory of the pipeline repository. Note that you may need to download this file from the GitHub project page if Nextflow is automatically fetching the pipeline files. Ensure that the bioconda environment file version matches the pipeline version that you run.

3.3) Software dependencies: Docker and Singularity

With either Docker or Singularity installed, you can use the predefined -profile docker or -profile singularity configurations when running the pipeline to take care of software dependencies automatically using the official container pulled from Docker Hub.

If you prefer to use your own container, running the pipeline with the option -with-singularity <container> or -with-docker <container> and pointing towards a specific image will allow it to be automatically fetched and used.

If running offline with Singularity, you'll need to download and transfer the Singularity image first:

singularity pull --name epidiverse-[PIPELINE]-[VERSION].simg docker://epidiverse/[PIPELINE]:[VERSION]

Once transferred, use -with-singularity but specify the path to the image file:

nextflow run /path/to/epidiverse/[PIPELINE] -with-singularity /path/to/epidiverse-[PIPELINE]-[VERSION].simg


Running on EPIDIVERSE infrastructure

To run the pipeline on the EpiDiverse servers (epi or diverse), use the command line flag -profile epi or -profile diverse respectively. This tells Nextflow to submit jobs using the SLURM job executor and use a pre-built conda environment for software dependencies.

There are also three shortcuts available for EpiDiverse species which can be used in place of --reference in pipelines that require a reference genome.

  • --thlaspi

  • --fragaria

  • --populus

Last updated